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Meet Bill Daley: President of CED Technologies

William Daley was born in the city of Chicago, the youngest of 5 children.  He attended Loyola Academy for high school, a “no nonsense/no excuses school” known for instilling discipline and responsibility in its students.  Bill excelled there and appreciated how it prepared him for the US Naval Academy.  His schooling combined with his upbringing had prepared him well.  His family motto could be called “Daley due diligence” for his father had always instilled in the household the notion “Why spend your time fixing something when you can do it right the first time?”

Bill attended the US Naval Academy during the end of the Vietnam War and went on to earn a Master’s in Aeronautical Engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School.  His duties in the Navy included several positions among the Naval Fleet such as Anti-Submarine Warfare Officer, Weapons Officer, Engineering Officer, and Operations Officer on the staff of Commander of Naval Surface Forces, US Atlantic Fleet.  His naval career ended as an instructor and associate chairman in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the prestigious US Naval Academy from 1992-1995.

In the private sector, he became the Director of Manufacturing for Forward Technology Industry.  Bill joined CED Technologies in 1995 and has never looked back.


Profile Questions:


  1. What was your favorite role in the Navy? When I was the Chief Engineer on USS San Diego, as Chief Engineer I was responsible for all propulsion, power generation and auxiliary equipment on the ship. A tough job as you had to stay on top of all kinds of different situations – but also very rewarding.


  1. What in your personal and professional background most prepared you to be president? From the personal perspective, the ability to do things right. Take your time, chart your course and demonstrate leadership.  From the professional perspective, certainly my military experience where we constantly had to ask questions as to what went right and what went wrong.


  1. How are you able to balance your corporate role vs. your forensic engineering responsibilities? Since each is very different – it provides a sense of balance in my days making the job exciting. One requires extreme focus and analysis and the other requires taking a step back and looking at the big picture and strategies for delivery.


  1. What is your vision for CED? Since I joined CED over 20 years ago, it has become a company that offers so many different disciplines. In the past, a single engineer was analyzing failures, whereas today with the aid of advanced technology and a large staff of diverse engineers, we can offer several different aspects to each failure and a more comprehensive opinion with digital evidence and modelling.  All of these have advanced our findings while we still use the military ethic of hard work and constantly asking questions to make sure that we have it right.

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