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Benefits of 3D Laser Scanning

3D laser scanning of evidence or an accident scene is a valuable tool for a forensic engineering expert and the client. 3D laser scanning allows the engineer to capture data from an entire scene, within minutes. These scans will capture details of the scene to include hairline cracks in stucco walls, outside landscapes 300 feet wide, and multi-lane accident scenes on highways. The processed scan data creates a permanent record. Scanning permits the collection of more data in less time. The measurements are more accurate and, in the case of roadside accidents, using a 3D laser scanner is safer than taking traditional measurement of the roadway.

One key benefit of using a 3D laser scanner is that the processed data can be interrogated in the future when new questions arise and the evidence no longer exists or has changed. For example, consider a fire scene where only pictures and measurements were taken prior to demolition of property – the ability to revisit the accident scene years later could be crucial to resolving the matter favorably. The processed data can also be used to create cost effective demonstratives. ‘Fly Through’ videos take you from one place in the scene and visualize the travel throughout the scene. A more recent benefit to the use of the 3D scanner is that the processed data can be uploaded to an online web-share host so people who did not attend the inspection can view, measure, and experience the scene or evidence as if they were actually there.

CED Technologies has engineers with experience using 3D laser scanners. If you have a case and are unsure if a 3D scan can help call us at 1-800-780-4221 or contact us here to find out.Click Here To See Our Full List of Experts Click Here To Submit an Inquiry about a possible Claim or Case.