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Conditioned versus Unconditioned Space

Conditioned space involves areas inside a building shell where temperature and humidity are controlled. Typically this space includes living areas in residential and commercial buildings. Unconditioned space is the area inside a building shell with no attempt at control of temperature or humidity, such as a garage or attic.

Consideration of these spaces goes beyond comfort levels. Plumbing and other components need to be kept inside the controlled space of the structure or be designed and insulated to exist outside of this thermal envelope. This is important not only in the construction phase, but in the occupancy phase as well.

If a controlled space is not maintained properly, even when vacant, the space can become an uncontrolled space with undesired outcomes. Temperature sensitive piping could be exposed to freezing temperatures resulting in freezing and bursting. On the other end of the temperature spectrum, the heads of sprinkler systems could activate when exposed to excessive temperatures.

CED Technologies has engineers with experience dealing with conditioned and unconditioned spaces, and all the issues that arise from them. Call us at 1-800-780-4221 or contact us here.Click Here To See Our Full List of Experts Click Here To Submit an Inquiry about a possible Claim or Case.