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Any Construction Defects with Your Building Envelope?

If you have not heard of this terminology, take a closer look at an ongoing construction project.  The Tyvec (white plastic) covering should be obvious, but not so obvious are the methods of fastening building facades and underlying flashing.  Another contemporary type of weather resistant barrier (WRB) is called the Zip System.  Improper installation of these building envelope protections may lead to weather / water ingress or construction defect claims.

Much property damage is caused by moisture ingress into buildings.  This can lead to mold, wood rot, termites, and unsavory odors.  Construction engineering experts opine upon effective means for stopping water ingress.  Some more terminology you might hear from experts are the use of multiple barriers, material resistance to air movement, positive slopes, gaps for capillary breaks, and dew point outside drainage plane.

The science of building envelope investigation focuses on:

  • Weather Resistant Barriers
  • Siding types
  • Windows/doors
  • Foundation
  • Roofs

Through the process of inspection and building code analysis, experts are able to forensically peel back the envelope and determine contributing factors/liability and root cause of defect.  When you are investigating the science of a structure’s building envelope, consider discussing the technical merits of your case with a construction expert.

If you are looking for someone to help with your case or loss – CED can help! Contact us at, toll free 800-780-4221 or go to our website at