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Drones for Premises Liability Cases

Drones have multiple applications for forensic engineers, from railroad accidents and vehicular crashes to construction site reviews and even flood investigations. When it comes to premises liability, drones are a great opportunity to get a bird’s eye view of the area in question.

Premises liability cases often involve slip and falls, lighting compliance, building codes, fire codes, ADA compliance, and others. Our engineers are experts in code compliance relating to indoor spaces and outdoor spaces, and which fire codes, and building codes may apply.

Drones further help our experts better understand the related area and structures in a premises liability case. Our drones capture high resolution, 20-megapixel photos while flying over an area to build a 3D model of the area that provides a 360-degree view. This 3D modeling fits seamlessly into Google maps for context on a larger scale.

Click here for in-depth videos that shows real-world examples of how CED’s engineers use drones for premises liability and other cases. CED Technologies has mechanical engineers, civil engineers and human factors experts who have investigated parking lot accidents all over the country. If you have a case involving a premises liability claim, contact us or submit a case request online.

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