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Next Generation Simulation Software: a Real Game-Changer

CED Technologies is pleased to announce the recent purchase and installation of Virtual Crash software in all four of our office locations, launching into 2019 in customary full high-tech mode. The software is marketed as “a powerful multi-purpose tool” which encompasses an extremely wide variety of simulation capabilities including car crashes, pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle accidents, and commercial vehicle accidents. Virtual Crash can also be used to reconstruct human body mishap accidents that don’t involve vehicles, like a body falling off of a scaffold, for example.

The greatest feature of Virtual Crash is its high level of efficiency. Virtual Crash will drastically reduce the amount of engineer man hours spent on creating visual computerized renderings of accidents because Virtual Crash is so user-friendly – for those creating and interpreting crash scenarios. In the past (pre-software), engineers spent countless hours recreating accurate simulations of accidents because the engineer had to methodically add in all of the objects and conditions — known as variables — that impacted the accident. Obstacles like guard rails, telephone poles, buildings, trees and other vehicles on the road all had to be painstakingly measured, graphed and accounted for, in creating a realistic rendering of a crash site.

Sophisticated software like Virtual Crash now “reads” and loads data collection seamlessly to portray a clear and accurate visual depiction of the accident site. Other factors like weather, air quality, light/darkness or position of sun can often play a significant role in how an accident occurred and must also be addressed in simulations. With Virtual Crash, engineers can now use animation techniques to create endless “what-if” scenarios in arriving at the true, evidence- and-physics-based scientific calculations that explain and visually display what actually happened. If a picture is really worth a thousand words, then a Virtual Crash software simulation is “priceless!”Click Here To See Our Full List of Experts Click Here To Submit an Inquiry about a possible Claim or Case.