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Using Physic-Based Simulations in Vehicle Crash Investigations

When it comes to a vehicular crash, CED engineers conduct an in-depth analysis to identify all the contributing factors in the collision. Engineers in CED’s Transportation Group use the latest technology and software to collect, analyze and display data related to the incident. 

“Virtual Crash 5” is a software tool that CED engineers use to create simulations based on data from multiple sources including: 3D point clouds (collected from a scanner, drone, or Lidar-equipped iPad), GPS data, passenger vehicle CDR data and infotainment downloads, heavy vehicle ECM data retrieval, as well as scene and vehicle inspections. Crash information is also collected from police reports, witness statements and depositions. Key information is input into the software to compute realistic, physics-based simulations that recreate the crash. 

The resulting simulation – based upon data and evidence collected from the crash – can be used to create demonstrable evidence based on science. Simulations can be especially helpful for answering questions about conspicuity or line of site. In this simulation video example, we’re able to see what the driver saw when approaching the intersection before impact.  

Combined with photographic evidence and other data points in an accident reconstruction, Virtual Crash’s physics-based simulations add a new level of insight and certainty to a case. Clients find simulations helpful to visualize the accident, while remaining true to the facts of the case and the physics at play. The team of engineers in CED’s Transportation Group has comprehensive knowledge and experience in investigating all types of motor vehicle accidents and use a variety of tools to recreate the crash. Contact CED to review your next case or submit a case request online. 

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