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What is a PLC?

The use of a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is common in stand-alone industrial machinery or as a part of a series of machines used in a more complex assembly line. The PLC is programmed using ladder logic to manage a sequence of specific and repeatable steps in machine operations.

PLC technology can be applied to a wide range of potential operations. Specific examples of machines that use a PLC to manage operations include: precision cleaning machinery used to clean computer parts, plastic bonding machines used extensively in the automotive industry, and metal processing machines. Assembly lines with a wide range of conveyors and part pick-and-place components use PLC’s to manage the flow of material.

Industrial machinery cases often involve questions as to whether the PLC performed as intended and/or if the PLC contributed to the alleged incident.
CED can interpret PLC programming and can be a valuable resource in cases involving industrial machinery.  If you have any questions or inquires about PLC equipment contact one of our representatives here.

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