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Wind Impacts on Accidents

Wind is a common element of weather patterns across the United States. In some cases, wind can influence several incidents, including vehicles on the road, structures and homes, and construction sites. For example, high winds can affect construction crane stability, and cause side loads on tractor trailers.

Wind speed can have an impact on safe driving conditions in a number of different ways that include strong winds that can affect the performance of cars and trucks and interfere with stability. Combined with accumulation of wind-driven debris, windy conditions can result in decreased visibility. Travel lanes can also be obstructed by fallen tree limbs or other items scattered on the road. These conditions can contribute to more dangerous driving conditions.

On a construction site, qualified crane operators should be aware of the affect wind can have; wind is the second most common cause of crane accidents worldwide. Between 2000 and 2010, wind was found to be the main culprit for 23% of all crane accidents. Recommendations from crane manufacturers provide guidance to combat accidents caused by windspeed.

Using a tool like weather verification services, the engineers at CED are able to review how weather patterns, including wind, may have an impact on an accident. While wind may be a factor in a case or claim, CED’s engineers know to consider other variables when investigating a case. Contact us today for your next crane incident or wind-related vehicle incident, or submit a case request online.

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